Glenbrook Primary School

Lambeth, London
Bowmer + Kirkland
Very Good

An inspiring new school for the children of Lambeth

Glenbrook Primary School is the new build replacement of an existing, 1960s Primary School in Lambeth, South London. The school is a new two form entry primary accommodating 450 pupils, including a 30 place nursery.

The school is part of the ESFA Priority Schools Building Programme and was successfully won through a competitive bid process lead by Bowmer & Kirkland contractors.

The Primary School is a two storey, L-shaped design centred around a retained stand of trees. The building is clad in brick to suit the local context with a light colour selected to signify its civic identity.

A variety of brick patterns are used, including soldier and flemish bond, with projecting headers and recessed courses to add interest and texture to the facade. Square windows with feature surrounds provide an inspiring, primary school aesthetic.

The building has been designed with a central library under a large rooflight and daylight penetrates the scheme through voids in corridors and high level windows throughout.

Learning opportunities are spread throughout the building rather than just in classrooms – corridors are activated by open plan group and breakout spaces.

The site redevelopment will be completed by the addition of a new Secondary Free School, Harris Academy, to also be designed and delivered by Stride Treglown. The secondary school will include a sports hall which will be available to the primary school and community.