Gender Pay Gap 2019

We are pleased that our gender pay gap decreased for the third consecutive year. This trend reflects our efforts to decrease our gender pay gap and we aware that this change is a continually process of analysis and intervention. We do not believe this is the end of the process and will continue to focus on improving our recruitment, reward & promotions processes and inclusive leadership development as the means to reduce our gender pay gap and improve our working environment for all our employees.

Stride Treglown’s gender 2019 demographic.

65% Male
35% Female

Stride Treglown’s Architects 2019 demographic.


Stride Treglown’s Architects who are 30 and under 2019 demographic.


ARB UK registered Architect 2018 demographic.


ARB UK Register Architects who are 30 and under 2018 demographic.


Hourly Pay Gap (April 2019)

Both our mean and median hourly pay gap have decreased since we have begun our gender pay gap reporting. The overall difference between men and women’s hourly pay based on a snapshot on 5th April 2019 is 20.6% (mean) and 22.0% (median).

When we compare pay for equal or similar work across our organisation the gap is significantly lower. However, factors such as our geographic spread, our broad range of consultancy expertise and relatively small size when compared to other organisations reporting make direct like for like comparison of pay equality within strata of our business difficult.


Understanding the Gap

Like many companies associated with the construction industry, our average gender pay gap is primarily caused by having fewer women at senior grades in our business.

The number of women working in senior grades at Stride Treglown has improved in the last three years and continue this increasing trend constitutes a major focus for our efforts in reducing our gender pay gap.

What we’re doing about it

We continue to take steps to help all employees fulfil their potential by minimising some of the obstacles to career progression.

Our Board of Directors, Inclusion and Diversity group, and Employee Forum have worked together to understand ways in which we as a business can improve our gender pay gap and inclusive culture.

Since April 2019 we have:

  • Assigned a Board Director as the main Inclusion and Diversity lead and sponsor who is working alongside other directors and the Inclusion & Diversity group.
  • Improved our Salary and Promotion process’ transparency through greater sharing of how the process works and the continued use of a gender balanced panel. The panel’s role is to ensure that employees are considered equally and without bias for promotions and annual salary increases.
  • Launched “Life at Stride Treglown” to enable people from all backgrounds to see what working at Stride Treglown is like and to understand how we approach our work-life balance (LINK) to help increase the diversity of our role applicants.
  • Produced a new Agile and Flexible Guidance book to allow all new and existing employees to understand how they can maintain a healthy and productive work-life balance while working at Stride Treglown.
  • Producing a Return to Work Guidance document for all employees returning from periods away from the office on maternity, paternity, sabbaticals, or long term illness. This will help employees return to work in a more supportive and constructive way.
  • Improved our ability to understand and allocate appropriate salary ranges across our business using analytic tools.
  • Begun the process of creating a more inclusive learning & development strategy. Inclusion will be at the heart of our Leadership and Management pathway to ensure we continue to treat employees and those we work with in an inclusive and fair manner.

Gender Pay Gap Figures

Bonus Pay Gap (April 2018 – 2019)

The difference in bonus pay between men and women during the year April 2018 to April 2019 reflects the way in which a proportion of profit is distributed as bonuses, rather than share options or dividends among equity directors, the majority of whom are male.


Pay Quartiles based on hourly pay – Percentage of Male and Female Employees in the different pay bands (A to D).
(April 2019)

A (Lowest)






D (Highest)


Eligibility for Bonus (April 2018 – April 2019)

Bonus eligibility represents a snapshot from 2018 to 2019. All staff are eligible for a bonus if they have been here during the previous financial year. These numbers represent a period where certain members of staff were new to the company. In this period 11.2% of male employees and 18.7% of female employees were new arrivals to the business. This explains the differential in eligibility percentages for the year. If the same number of male and female employees had joined the business during this period, there would have been no differential.

88.8% Male
81.3% Female

The directors of the practice, both male and female, are paid at the same level. Their individual salary is 5.6 times that of the lowest paid employee at full time equivalent (FTE).

In accordance with The Equality Act (2010) (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. I confirm the gender pay gap data contained in this report for Stride Treglown Limited is accurate and has been produced in accordance with the guidance on managing gender pay developed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Service (ACAS). David Hunter, Chairman for Stride Treglown Ltd.