Greg McKay

Associate Director, Head of Landscape Architecture

Greg’s strengths lie in providing landscape strategies that enhance the present environment, providing robust and distinct landscapes that put people first.

Greg is Head of Landscape Architecture and leads the team alongside Isabelle Carter. He is responsible for all aspects of landscape design, supporting the various architectural sectors across the practice, specialising as a point of contact between clients and contractors to ensure projects run effectively.

If you weren’t a landscape architect, what would you be?

I could have considered a number of possibilities: farmer, builder or professional rugby coach. I was brought up on a farm and still live on one now. I love the idea of using my hands, so working in construction would have been great. I also used to play rugby as it was transitioning into a profession, so had I had the opportunity I would have liked to have made a living playing a sport.

What advice would you give your 20 year old self?

Work hard at your job (even if you don’t like it) and pay attention to what’s happening around you at work and at home. Not all jobs meet your expectations, but I think regardless of the situation, you should just work hard as it shows a good reflection of your character.

What is your favourite local building?

The best building in our village is the local pub, it has real character. Doors creak, it’s got odd shaped windows, low ceilings and a large open fire place. It’s not necessarily the appearance of the building, but its history and value in our community; it’s got a very important social and cultural connection for the people in our village.

Who is your biggest career influence?

Being involved in sporting teams at a representative level when I was growing up exposed me to a number of coaches, managers and trainers that expected the highest level of commitment and delivery when playing. Good training habits have helped me to focus my mind and given me a level of detail that can be applied not only in sport but through work and family.

Industry Bodies:
  • Member of the Landscape Institute
  • Highly Commended Award for the 52 Big Ideas at The Landscape Institute Award’s
