Adrian Shenton

Senior Interior Technician

Adrian is able to use multiple disciplines to create technical and 3D visual outputs which help our clients and contractors to push through designs.

He primarily delivers workplace fitout projects, but has also been involved with Retail, Hotels and Student Living projects over the years.

If you weren’t in this career, what would you be?

A carpenter.

What are the key challenges affecting the Workplace sector, or are likely to in the next five years?

Covid, covid and covid. What’s in store for the workplace once the pandemic settles and life returns to a “normal” state – whatever that is?

What advice would you give your 20 year old self?

Do not fear making mistakes and do not overthink things.

Interesting fact that nobody knows about you?

I won a regional Young Engineers for Britain contest whilst at school. The invention was to cut off the electric supply to a power drill while the user had the chuck key engaged to change the drill bit. We even thought about Health & Safety back in the 90s!

What is the greatest invention ever?


Pet hate?

Objects not aligning. When it’s “almost, but not quite”.
