Derby Business School
An iconic, future-focused Business School in the heart of the city.
A new, future-focussed home for the College of Business, Law and Social Science will become the first building of the University of Derby’s ambitious City Masterplan and will provide a focal point for the Derby’s business and enterprise community.
The net zero carbon building is designed with a strong focus on wellbeing and biodiversity and is set to become the most sustainable building on campus, supporting the University’s vision to become carbon neutral.
The building’s design was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement. We are working closely with university staff and students to ensure the right decisions are made for the end users.
Collaboration between students, academics and the business community is facilitated through high-quality teaching spaces. Innovative, specialist facilities such as the Trading Room, VR Suite, Enterprise Zone and Creativity Lab have been designed to replicate real-world spaces to foster creativity and showcase innovative teaching approaches.
Various social learning spaces are designed across the building, occupying the areas around the atrium and filling the liminal spaces, to enable incidental meetings and informal study.
The atrium forms the social heart of the building. A seating stair provides space to host events and guest lectures whilst the prominent stairs in the atrium create excitement and activity.
The external form and materials create a grand, civic presence. The ‘red plinth’ is strongly influenced by the industrial heritage of Derby whilst the contrasting, contemporary top ‘beacon’ offers landmark status.
The neighbouring brook, roof terrace and external plazas offer ample, high-quality green space to promote wellbeing.
A planning application was submitted in March 2022. If approved, construction will commence in November 2022, with the building set to open in September 2024.
An immense amount of hard work and consideration has gone into our plans for the Business School, and we are confident that this application reflects not only our ambitions, but those of our local stakeholders who have shared their views and ideas throughout the consultation period.
Professor Kathryn Mitchell CBE DL, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Derby