8 million cups of tea: our 2017 Environmental Report

21st December 2017
8 million cups of tea: our 2017 Environmental Report

At Stride Treglown we have three long-term sustainability targets for the business:

  • 100% of electricity to come from renewable sources
  • 5% renewable thermal energy usage
  • reduce our carbon footprint by 50%

Each year our sustainability team reports on how we’re progressing towards those targets and what we can do to reach them. They analyse each of our 9 offices, looking at energy consumption, water usage and how we travel (both business travel and commuting), and compare them to our baseline year, 2015.

The results are in and it’s clear things are improving, but we still a way to go. As a quick summary:

46% of our electricity is renewable, up by 43% from last year, with less than 40% coming from non-renewable sources via the national grid. Great progress. However, an undetected leak in the Cardiff office meant we used far more water than we should; company-wide enough to make 8 million cups of tea! Travel-wise, 24% was by sustainable means. We did 121,000km less than last year, with IT upgrades allowing more people to work from home, but it was still the equivalent of travelling around the world 27 times.

You can read more in our 2017 Environmental Report.


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