Huller House

Generator Group
50 apartments, Studio to 3 Bed, 161sqm B1 Unit

50 converted warehouse apartments on a prime riverside location in Bristol

Huller and Cheese is the transformation of the Grade II listed Huller House and its counterpart, the Cheese Warehouse; a building identified of special architectural merit due to its Hennebique reinforced concrete structure.

Sat on a prime riverside location in the heart of Bristol, the development includes a mix of commercial units with five floors of apartments above. Converted from the existing warehouses, an extra two storeys of new-build development has been added to the Cheese Warehouse and a single new-build level to Huller House.

The Cheese Warehouse’s facade comprises of classical components of base, body and capping to help break down the scale of the building into legible tiers; a brick plinth at the lowest floor, render to the main facade and new aluminium cladding and glass to the new-build extension.

The texture of brick cladding at ground level helps to break down the building to human scale, at the same time reinforcing the connection between the two buildings.

At its lower level, the development fronts the Floating Harbour. We have included a new covered walkway to improve public access, providing a link to the walkway from Bristol Bridge to the north, and Redcliffe Bridge in the south.

Huller and Cheese also includes new changing facilities for members of the Bristol Cruising Club who have moorings on the adjacent pontoons.