Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
A school with an industrial past
Oasis Academy Temple Quarter is a new eight-form entry school which will accommodate 1600 pupils aged 11-18.
The school will be located on Silverthorne Lane, to the east of Bristol city centre, alongside the Feeder Canal. The site was first developed in the early nineteenth century as an ironworks and has been in industrial use until recently.
The school’s design has developed to enhance the site’s existing historical assets and structures.
The main historical building to be retained is the Grade II listed Boiler Shop which will be sensitively converted to become the school’s sports block.
Teaching facilities will be housed within a new block. A C-shaped plan enhances the canal-side setting whilst supporting a variety of external spaces for dining, play and teaching on the fairly constrained site.
The new building will be in keeping with its setting with brickwork, portrait windows and metal cladding referencing the site’s industrial past. Two brickwork colours are proposed to relate to the differing context around the school and will break up the building’s massing.
Oasis Academy Temple Quarter is part of the DfE’s Free Schools Programme.
Stride Treglown has been appointed as technical advisor, leading the design from inception to planning submission.
The project is currently in the planning process with start on site expected in early 2020. The school forms part of a larger regeneration development for the area which includes housing, commercial, university and student accommodation.