Building Plymouth is a Council led partnership with local construction and built environment stakeholders. It links local people with jobs, apprenticeships, training courses and career opportunities.

Their aim is to:
- improve construction skills in the area
- connect more people to employers through work placements, training, jobs and apprenticeships
- improve the image of the construction industry
- increase local awareness of careers in the construction.
Building Plymouth was set up as a ‘call to action’ to overcome the skills shortages facing the local construction and built environment sector.
Thanks to the investment by 25 project sponsors, Plymouth City Council has been able to invest in a dedicated skills co-ordinator to drive forward the ambitious plans for Building Plymouth.
Aside Stride Treglown, the current Project Sponsors include AECOM, CITB, City College Plymouth, Constructing Excellence, Gilpin Demolition, Kier, Midas, mi-space, Millfields Trust, Morgan Sindall, National Careers Service, Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Community Homes, Plymouth Construction Training Group, Redrow, Ryearch, Skills Group, South Devon College, SWH Group, TClarke, TruVision VR, Ward Williams Associates, Willmott Dixon and YGS Landscapes.